
spend your pennies: forever21

About a year ago, my favorite blogger of all time quit doing her Forever 21 round-up posts.  I really loved that she did the wading through of the website for me, and I miss them!  Forever 21 is kind of my usual (non-pregnant) wardrobe bread & butter.  Being able to shop there again is one of the things I look forward to most.  So I decided (like the Awkward & Awesome posts) to just purloin the idea and start doing it myself!  I figure, someone out there should benefit from my pointless stalking of the new arrivals section, even if I can't do a dang thing with any of these pieces for at least 2-3 more months.  I hope you enjoy it, because I had a lot of fun putting this together!  So without further adieu, my favorites from Forever 21 for the past few weeks, after the jump: 


awkward and awesome tuesday

So yes, we've reached the stretchy black dress portion of this pregnancy, officially.  

Not toooo many awkwards this week, because let me just tell you it has been a GOOD week.  I'll be kind of sad to see April go, as I am just about every month between April & September.

SO, Awkward: 

Heartburn…..oh my gosh heartburn.  I finally got a prescription for some medicine that works Thursday but before that I’m fairly sure that I puked/burped up (aren’t you glad I’m sharing this?) half of my dinner one night last week, and it was honestly a rather small dinner. Of course, after that I ate 1/2 a cup of ice cream and that made me feel better, so at this point am I to assume that I should just start eating ice cream for dinner?  I mean, there’s gotta be some validity to that theory, right?

I am to the point where I need someone to pull me up off the couch pretty much every time I need to stand up.  Any takers?  I can pay you in Netflix streaming and popsicles, two things we have a lot of around here.  


My protein pancakes.  Again, at certain times of the day (mostly just breakfast) baby has gotten into eating ALL the health food again, so I’ve been making these like crazy.  And they are so dang good, particularly with banana slices and some walnuts thrown into the batter.

4D ultrasound pictures.  I won’t be posting them here (call me crazy, but I just don’t think the internet needs photos of the inside of my uterus) but she does definitely look like Darrell! Not that I’m surprised, have you read about this?

Sitting and listening to your husband learn a lullaby for your baby-to-be on the couch while it rains outside the window, and everything is right in the world.

That same evening Darrell offered to go to the store in the rain to get me a caffeine free Diet Coke, and even though I didn’t make him, I’ll be darned if I didn’t think about that stupid Diet Coke until the next morning when I went to the store myself.  


observations on a monday

I had kind of completely forgotten how amazing lemonade is, especially a big one from Auntie Anne's on the way out of the mall (no pretzel....so that's a big win for this week.)  Cravings lately have been far more drink related than food related, which is great since I'm on a mission to not grow this baby COMPLETELY out of carbs.*

Although I may be failing on that mission, because I decided to bake some bread this weekend after successfully avoiding it for about a month.  This is all due to Martha Stewart reminding me that the quiche I made for dinner last night would have been better with crusty French bread.  And when I didn't have any....well I felt like I had just hit worse wife ever status and I'd better make some.  Plus, there is nothing better than the smell of baking bread.  I highly recommend you make this recipe before it feels too ridiculously hot to do so!  

The only thing that might smell as good as that bread is this giant flowering bush in our yard.  I have no idea what kind of plant it is, but it blows a sweet lilac-esque smell right past you every time you leave.  I love it so much I attempted to cut of a few branches to put in a vase.....but you guys, the bees won that one, so no dice.  

I think I am missing out on the pregnancy hair benefits - seriously, my hair looks EXACTLY the same as it did pre-pregnancy.  Actually, it used to look better.  Potential upside: if it doesn't grow in a bunch of extra, maybe it also won't fall out afterwards?  If it does, I will just feel cheated, because my nails are also still short and flimsy.  

I've caved to wearing flats most of the time, but if I'm not in flats I'm wearing Sam Edelman midi wedges, which are the perfect pregnancy-height shoe.  Just enough lift that you feel a little taller, but comfortable enough to wear all day.  They are not, however, Darrell's favorite.**  I recommend the Sophie, the Sutton, or the Serena.  

Aren't you glad you clicked through for this supremely pointless post?  Sometimes when you're pregnant, things just aren't that exciting.  But hey, at least there were cute shoes!  

*yes, i know sugar is a carb
**Darrell is a firm believer in flats or stilettos, nothing in between.  He particularly hates all wedges, and thinks low wedges are even more offensive.  Luckily, he'll still tell me I look pretty when I wear them anyways....although sometimes he'll stick in "well, except for your shoes."


the weekender

On Saturday morning I woke up at 7 am to the most glorious weather that ever was.  The leaves were SPARKLING I tell you.  I did my usual routine of showering, taking out the dogs, and eating some fruit (and okay, a cookie) for breakfast and popped on You’ve Got Mail, because Darrell was still sleeping and I had the rental for a few more hours.  I can pretty much watch that movie into oblivion.  I was on a mission to let Darrell sleep in because he’d gone to a concert with his brother the previous night, so he was out pretty late, but around 8:30 the morning it was starting to feel a little bit too much like a weekday.  Luckily at EXACTLY the moment I had planned to start poking him he got up and asked what we were going to do.  

So I said, “you’re going to make us eggs, and then we’re going to go to get you some new guitar strings.”  And since no guitar-playing man can argue with that he did make some eggs, and I failed to tell him that I’d already eaten some strawberries and two chocolate chip cookies.  

Then, off we went.  We found the most gorgeous guitar shop and wandered the Maplewood neighborhood for a bit, I bribed a shop owner into letting me use the bathroom without buying anything, and then we headed back home to take Fitz to the park.  We were attempting to see a "Shakespeare in the streets" performance I had heard about (I am a serious nerd for Shakespeare) but we missed it, so Darrell took about a million photos of all the gorgeous spring flowers instead.  

One of the rare photos my husband will let me take of him.  Those Chuck Taylors are my favorite.  

This house is basically my dream house.  It's inside the park, and someone lives there because there's a big PRIVATE RESIDENCE sign on the front gate.  I'm fairly sure it's owned by the Shaw family (who founded the park and entire surrounding neighborhood) and they probably inserted some clause when the park was built saying they could never be forced to give up this house - that's my best guess, I really have no idea.  They also have a gigantic mansion inside the Missouri Botanical Gardens, but I think this one's even prettier.  

After all that walking, I needed some reallllly good food & a root beer of course, so we headed to Blues City Deli to see a great band and eat some awesome sandwiches.  If you live in St. Louis and have never seen Mrs. Jubilee & the Humdingers, please check them out!  And get the tuna - I know, sounds like a weird recommendation, but it's the best tuna sandwich ever.  We capped off the day with tacos at Gringo, which I rallied for despite being pretty exhausted because a) I cannot resist eating on a pretty patio in the Central West End, and b) actually cooking would’ve involved cleaning the kitchen first.  For some reason we had so much to talk about we pretty much shut the restaurant down (warm weather and margaritas - Mexican soda for me - will sometimes just keep good conversation going as long as you let it, I find.)  It was pretty much the most perfect Saturday of all time.  

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for (ugh) Monday.  


friday link love

First of all, I just wanted to say thank you for all your sweet comments (whether here or on Facebook) about the post yesterday.  It definitely encouraged me to try to do more writing in this space, so hopefully I can keep it up!  As for this weekend, we don't really have any set plans other than to enjoy the weather to the max, so I see lots of trips to the park in our future.  And now, a total overload of links I loved lately because you guys, the internet was just full of really good stuff this week.  

21 people describe the moment they became an adult - I think Julie's rather profound answer is my favorite.  

This would be adorable to send to someone having a bad day.  

Just warning you that this one is a bit crass, but I would have to agree with the author that American baby names are getting totally ridiculous - something I've heard a lot about lately!  

This is HILARIOUS.  

Did you know this secret trick for cutting little tomatoes?  

This list of 10 things to have in your home by the time you're 30 made me feel pretty good!  We're almost there.  

Just when you think Amy Poehler couldn't get any more amazing, she does.  

Have you bought your Saltwater sandals for this summer yet?  I think I might need a gold pair this year!  

I'm not a New Yorker, but even as a visitor these tips for NYC Etiquette stand true.  

Mother's Day is coming up, and I've had a few people ask if I'll be celebrating.  Of course I am!  I'm celebrating my own mothers, grandmothers, and yes, myself.  I found this rather old and truly awesome blog post this week, and it perfectly explains why.  


lessons for my daughter

Earlier today, Darrell sent me a rather horrifying (and graphic) article he stumbled upon on Jezebel.  Yes my husband is quite the feminist, and he reads Jezebel.  Here is the article, if you feel so inclined.  His only comment to me was "this is why I'm terrified to have a girl."  Not that he in any way expects our daughter to be like THAT girl, but I understand where he's coming from.  It's tough to be a girl these days - especially when the pool is already filled with people like her; girls who don't exactly represent the best of their kind, but certainly seem to be shoved in your face often enough.  

I could've let it freak me out, and just wondered how there could be any hope for Claire to rise higher than that.  But then I realized: this is our charge in having a daughter.  The world is somehow in need of great women.  Not that we don't already have some!  Hilary Clinton, Malala Yousafzai, and Jennifer Lawrence all come to mind fairly easily.  But for every Oprah there's a Kardashian (or seven) and for every Kristen Gillibrand, a Courtney Stodden.  Our job, as parents, is to teach her which of these women to direct her attention to, and what to take away from their examples.  More importantly, my biggest job is to BE an example.  So although she's not even born yet, and for years won't think of much beyond when I'll be feeding her next, how many times I'll let her re-watch the latest Disney movie, and what Santa is going to bring her, here are the things I'm already hoping she'll learn from me & Darrell.  I realize this list is rather lengthy and my expectations are high, but the world is in need of really excellent women, and these are my hopes for raising one.  

I hope that we can teach her.....

to see the wonder in reading, more than the mindlessness of absorbing a television show, and find herself and her friends in every book I give her.  I hope she'll learn that it's okay to be a dreamer like Anne of Green Gables, as hopeful as Sarah Crewe, and as smart as Hermione Granger.  The world certainly needs more Hermiones.  

to be happy with her body, not as a result of starving herself to "thin enough" but from teaching her about how eating healthy can be wonderful, but so can the occasional cupcake.  Especially if said cupcake is eaten on the same day a long walk is taken.  

that being pretty isn't a preclusion to being kind.  I want her to know that she can be beautiful, but that the attention that comes with being beautiful should only ever be used for good - no matter how much easier it seems to be the "mean girl," especially when you're in 7th grade.  

that what goes on the internet will be there forever.  Period.  

what the world really looks like.  It is eye opening to travel, and see places that you only ever saw in photos and books.  I want to take her abroad from the earliest age I think she'll possibly absorb it, because seeing those people - the ones you basically write off as imaginary until you see them living, breathing, caring about their lives just as much as you do yours - makes anyone a more compassionate and aware person. 

that no, I won't be surprised or disappointed in her if she goes to a party, drinks some cheap beer, and someday dates a boy her father and I don't approve of.  In fact, I'd like to teach her just how alcohol works at the dinner table at home, and not have her find out on Saturday night from the boy pouring keg beer.  We all have to do those things to learn.  What matters is that she makes her own choices.  Learning not to just follow the crowd, especially when the crowd's direction is making her uncomfortable, is the most important lesson of all.  

that she can become anything she wants in life - but it would be best if that "thing" was something she strove for because it makes her happy, not because it makes the most money or sounds the best on paper.  Also, sometimes the thing that makes you happy is just going to work so that you can bring home enough money to have the best time with the ones you love once you're off for the night.  That's okay too, and it's not just me being boring and realistic.  

Sometimes that's what you call living the dream - a couch + a baby + the man you love, and maybe a little Downton Abbey and ice cream too.  At least....that's pretty much my idea of the dream right now.  
Claire, we are so ready to meet you.  


awkward & awesome


Restaurant booths.  It's kind of amazing that I haven't yet flipped over an entire table with the bump - although I have come close.  

My no-caffeine sentencing.  Pregnant women are allowed to have up to 200mg (about 1.5 cups of coffee) per day, but apparently baby girl is sensitive to any amount at all.  At my last appointment I was instructed to cut it out completely after a few hours of panic-inducing heart testing, and she's totally fine.  It was all the tiny bit of caffeine in my morning iced coffee, so goodbye to that.  Cue my tears.  

Yelling at Darrell for no reason after said panic-inducing doctor's appointment, only to realize that I was just mad at myself for not calling him and asking him to come sit with me during all the scary testing.  Darrell has become quite the master at dealing with my meltdowns (which I realize are ridiculous approximately 30 minutes after they end).  Also, pregnancy is an exercise in learning how to ask for help and go easy on yourself - seriously a challenge for someone as generally type A as me.  

Getting dressed!  I'll admit it - at this point, it would literally just be easier to be naked all the time, but that doesn't really work well for, um, life.  

The amount of time I'm willing to put off washing the pillowcase to my pregnancy pillow.  I know that sounds just plain gross, but seriously look at this thing!  Getting the case back on involves 30 minutes of awkward fighting with it.  

My cravings for any and allllllll the summery food.  I would like corn on the cob, watermelon, and tomato-mayo sandwiches like RIGHT NOW please.  The problem is that when I try to eat it despite that fact that we are just not quittttttte there yet, seasonally and all, I feel a little guilty feeding Darrell the rather sad frozen corn & very "meh" tomato chopped salad I made for lunch.  Patience is not one of my virtues.  


Easter Sunday!  We had such a great day, and the most perfect weather.  Darrell has a ton of younger cousins, so they have a pretty epic and adorable egg hunt.  Also funny?  How little they cared about the chocolate, and how much they all wanted to just find the eggs with dollar bills.  Somebody taught those kids that money = more & better chocolate.  

I'm getting a 4D ultrasound today - not something I was sure I would ever do, but it was set up for us by Darrell's mom and I have to admit I'm a little excited about it.  I'm skeptical of how much those images actually show what a baby will look like, but it'll be fun to see them nevertheless!  

Avocado toast + poached eggs.  I finally seem to have regained an interest in healthy food (yay for that, I was sure baby girl was mostly constructed of Lucky Charms up until now) and this is at the top of my list.  The bonus is that it makes a great breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  

It is warm enough for shorts!  Remember that thing I said about clothes just being awful in general?  Well shorts are tolerable, so it's probably all I'm going to wear for the next 8 weeks, pregnancy thighs be damned.  


claire's nursery

I'm so thrilled to be sharing these photos of Claire's finished nursery today!  We've been working on her nursery since about February, and we had to wait for a few pieces of furniture to arrive to be able to make the final touches.  I had a lot of inspiration from Pinterest and other blogs, but I think the thing that makes me happiest is that I was able to pull together my favorite elements from those sources and make something truly our own.  We love the bright light this room gets, and sometimes now I just want to go hang out in there.  If you have any questions about sources not listed here feel free to ask/comment!  

Claire's crib is from Pottery Barn, and we loved that it was simple and versatile enough to use again for a second someday baby, even if it were to be a boy.  The decal came from Etsy, and my friend Jess made the tissue paper garland for my shower, and I stole it afterwards!  The little print above the door (difficult to see) is a drawing of the St. Louis Arch.  

This print is from Etsy, and I stole the gorgeous frame from work.  The chevron baby blanket was a shower gift.  

We didn't want to get a changing table per say, but we did decide to use this buffet table from Hobby Lobby to corral all the essentials.  Our chair is from Pottery Barn, and the pouf ottoman & side table are both from Target.  

We wanted to do a graphic detail on one wall, and when a co-worker of mine found these gold polka dot decals on Groopdealz one day, I just went for it!  We love them, and it was beyond easy to do.  I also loved the idea of displaying some of Claire's prettiest dresses as decor, so I picked up some hooks from Hobby Lobby.  The shelf was handmade by family as a wedding gift, and I painted it to coordinate with the room.  The lamp and mirror are from Target.  

One of my favorite items in the room is the balloon painting, which we bought on our honeymoon in Florence.  The rest are prints from Etsy that I framed at work.  

These Rifle Paper Co. prints were something I knew I wanted to incorporate into the room, as they provided a lot of my decorating inspiration.  The banner is also from Rifle Paper Co!  

Just a longer shot of the polka dot wall.  I have to share a closet with Claire, so I got a dressing bench to sit next to the window.  The curtains on the closet are a gold polka dot, and it's hard to see how metallic they are in photos!  Darrell wanted to keep his guitar in Claire's room for singing lullabies (and that is just so cute, how could I resist?) 

Just another little view of this table - the gold tray was a steal from Home Goods for only $15, and I saw the idea for storing pacifiers in a hurricane lantern on Pinterest.  I'm also hoping to keep fresh flowers in here all the time - they really thrive with the sunlight and I think they add so much to the room!  

This is my storage system for most of Claire's clothing.  Like I said, we share the closet (many of her dresses I obviously don't want to fold) so I'm keeping onesies, leggings, sweaters, and her shoes & plush toys in this little storage system from Target.  Even the ceramic labels are from Target, and I think they are a genius product!  Dry erase and they make it so much easier - especially for visiting family that may be grabbing something for me.  

That's it!  I hope you liked the little nursery tour - we're fairly thrilled with it and I was so happy to finally be able to share it.  


friday link love

Easter weekend is finally here!  I'm very lucky to have Good Friday off as a way to kickstart my weekend, and although I'll be spending most of it touring potential daycare centers I also plan to squeeze in a trip to the flower market to brighten up my porch.  Other than Easter Sunday, we have no plans which is basically heaven at this point.  I've been really making an effort to wind down our schedule as of late.  Okay, here are my favorite things from this week!  

I found this list to be SO true.  I think midwest is perhaps the most stereotyped region in the US (i.e., Marshall from How I Met Your Mother.)

Photoshop can be such an amazing tool.  This artist created a surreal image of what it would look like if Venice's Grand Canal froze over.

This made me laugh hysterically.

I'm a total sucker for nerdy apps like this.  Jigsaw puzzles on my iPhone?  Sign me up.

This video is totally fun to watch - the A to Z of dance.

These Target sandals are on sale for only $17!  I have a pair, and they are awesome.  I might need to pick up the chambray as well.

There is a HUGE Game of Thrones spoiler in here, but if you're really curious about who committed the big murder on Sunday night's episode, this is a pretty compelling argument!


maternity style 18

wearing: laundry by shelli segal dress, old & not maternity, michael kors wedges, kate spade earrings & stripe bracelet, monogram area necklace, and banana republic bracelet

also, can we just take a moment to recognize how pretty my friends are?  

Claire will certainly be the most well-outfitted (and best dress) baby that every was, and I am so grateful to all the friends and family who have celebrated her before she's even here!  My last baby shower was on this past weekend, hosted by my friend Jess at her gorgeous loft apartment.  We had brunch and lots of baby talk, and it was just about the best way I could imagine to spend a rainy Sunday.  I was so in love with the tissue garland that Jess made for the gift table that I snatched it, and it now hangs above Claire's crib.  


awkward and awesome tuesday

wearing: dress - maurices, not maternity and realllllly old.  sandals - jack rogers.  necklace - jcrew.  


Baby girl has figured out how to wedge herself up into my ribs.  I'm stopped in my tracks multiple times a day just to "readjust" myself in a way that doesn't cause serious pain somewhere in my midsection.  

I could wax poetic about how much I love having a step-and-open trash can (yes, these are the things that excite me now) but this morning my lack of coordination got the best of me with it.  I hit the foot opener, went to toss the leftover coffee grinds in the bin, and let go jusssssst early enough to have the lid catapult coffee grounds ALL over the kitchen floor.  Thankfully, there were no witnesses to the temper tantrum I threw.  

This week's adventures in "baby brain" led to me pouring my cereal directly into the cup of coffee I had just gotten to the perfect cream/stevia ratio.  

Pregnancy crying has officially begun.  Had a good (happy!) session while driving home from work last Wednesday just because a country song reminded me of Darrell....because that's normal.  


Our FULLY FINISHED nursery!  Of course there are two or three things still to be done, but it's essentially complete and I'm so thrilled with it.  

A bookshelf absolutely stacked with what I'm sure is every children's book currently available for purchase.  At my shower last week, guests were asked to bring books with notes for the baby instead of cards (so sweet!) and people were so generous with the books.  Many brought 2 or 3 along with their gift, and I nearly filled a tall bookshelf with everything from "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" to "The Giving Tree."  Reading is one of my few really young memories, and I'm so excited to read these books to Claire.  

We chose and assembled a stroller/carseat combo!  Doesn't that sound like just the most adult thing one could possibly do?  I kind of agonized over the purchase, but after finding the Britax B-Agile & B-Safe on Target for an amazing price, we bit the bullet.  For the record, we would have chosen this one if money was no object, but we are just not $700 stroller people.  Although honestly, if those people exist, they are ridiculous.  

Eating a little bit healthier....I'll admit that I went through a phase for a couple weeks where I was soooo tired, so the easiest things to eat were things that required no work (i.e. mac and cheese, cereal, etc.)  This, of course, contributed to my being even MORE tired.  So I decided to get it together and start making more smoothies, less bowls of Lucky Charms, and lo and behold I am actually able to stay awake all day again.  

Darrell heralded his arrival home last Friday with "Burning Down the House" blasting from his windows, and then once the car turned off he finished it off whistling a few more rounds of the chorus.  I love how his cheerfulness just radiates sometimes (but especially on Fridays.)  


a day at the farmer's market

We had the most stunning weather on Saturday, with the high in the mid 70s and all the sunshine you could want.  Darrell's parents were in town to celebrate his mom's birthday, and we took them to our favorite farmer's markets.  I failed to take many pictures, but I just wanted to share how pretty our park is, how gorgeous these ranunculus were, and this picture Darrell took of me.  Sometimes I'm hesitant to post pictures where I look less than my best, but to him this photo was great because I looked so happy, and I really was.  


friday link love

With the weather slated to be beyond amazing, we're planning to make the most of this weekend.  We'll be hitting up one of our favorite Fish Fries on Friday night, then heading to the farmer's market and maybe a baseball game (our first of the season!) on Saturday morning.  We also plan to finish up the nursery, which I'm thrilled about.  I hope your weekend plans - and weather - will be just as perfect.  

How cute is this children's book series?  I'm constantly amazed at how lucky I am to live in the era of "cool mom bloggers."  Otherwise, I would never know about anything!  

Oh, the cuteness.  Here is the short list of animals who can really "dance."  

So if you don't want to read an article about breast pumps.....don't click here.  But seriously, in this day and age shouldn't they be as efficient and sleek as iPhones by now?  

The one word that should never follow "I love you."  

A beautiful essay on marriage before and after children, from one of my very favorite bloggers.  

Baby elephants learning to use their trunks are perhaps the most adorable thing ever.  

This video explains perfectly why we try to avoid shopping at Wal-Mart.  I'm sure no company is perfect, we try to avoid their stores at all costs and instead shop at places like Trader Joe's, who pays their employees a living wage.  


maternity style 17

So it probably goes without saying after seeing these photos, that my mother's friends are some experienced and talented party throwers!  I was overwhelmed with how gorgeous they made the party, with lots of paper poms and pink.  Everything was really just too cute for words (that tutu?! I died.)  Baby girl may never repeat an outfit - seriously!  It was the kind of shower you actually want to attend - no silly games, just lots of drinks, girl talk (and the BEST cake).  Thank you again to all the hostesses, and to everyone who came.  It is definitely a lovely thing to know that so many people are excited for baby girl's arrival.  

*my dress is from pink blush maternity, and the shoes & necklace are from j crew


i just had to share...

Every once in a while you find something that is just so great, you really want to share it.  The monogram necklace above is definitely that find for me this month!  I ordered it (with serious skepticism) from an Etsy seller that was obviously based in China.  I wanted a larger statement monogram, and with most of the options I found starting from $100, I figured it might be worth trying this one for $15.  I was so SO pleasantly surprised when it arrived.  It shipped out the next day, and I had it within two weeks.  That might sound like a long time, but take into consideration the fact that even big US sites like Marley Lilly have week long production times for many of their jewelry pieces, and their shipping costs more.  Anyways, if you've had a monogram necklace on your wish list for a while like I did, I'd definitely suggest trying them out.  They have pretty much every common monogram style and every type of jewelry (a bracelet is next on my list, maybe with baby girl's initials!)  

*This post wasn't sponsored by the shop, I just really liked my necklace and thought it was an insane value.  


a little ebay update

Sorry to use this blog for promoting my eBay store, but I know some of you will be interested in these listings!  I'm selling a pair of worn once Steven Steve Madden Blush Nude Bow Pumps in a 9.5 (but they run small, would better fit a size 9!)  Also up for grabs is a pair of brand new (without the box) but never worn coral espadrilles from J.Crew.  These are super pretty, but they've always been a tad too big for me.  I think I just held onto them for so long because I love them!  You can look at the nude pumps here and the coral espadrilles here.  


friday link love

This weekend we're headed to our hometown to spend some time with our nearest and dearest.  My second baby shower is on Saturday (my first one was a surprise!) and other than that we're just going to do family dinners, family lunches, family breakfasts....you get the idea.  Oh, and sleep.  There will hopefully be LOTS of sleep, because I have been lacking in that department lately.  I hope you all have wonderful weekend plans!  Now, this week's favorite links.  

This article about crazy things Americans do made me laugh out loud.

LOVE this Huffington Post article about why St. Louis is so awesome.  I completely agree.

Special effects really are just amazing.  I loved this commercial "featuring" Audrey Hepburn.  Honestly though, I'd watch whole movies with CGI Audrey if they made them.

My hairstylist used this treatment and this serum on my hair at my appointment Thursday, and my hair has never looked better.  She also inspired me to give this styling tutorial a shot.

Apparently the FDA has approved the "EPI pen" of drug overdoses for over the counter sale.  Some say this will encourage drug abusers to keep using....but I'm inclined to say that it could be an amazing thing for the family members of addicts to have available to them.

I have no reason to make these salted caramel bars, other than they just look insanely delicious.  My sweet tooth during this pregnancy has been slightly out of control!

I've definitely been thinking more practically about clothes with this baby coming, and I think these sandals will be the perfect way to elevate a simple jeans & tee ensemble.


maternity style 16

wearing: shift dress - tommy hilfiger, not maternity (LOVE this)

wedges - michael kors

sunglasses - ray-ban, sunglass monogram decal, bow earrings - kate spade, chain link pave bracelet - jcrew (on sale for $15!), bow bracelet: groopdealz

It finally felt like spring the day these photos were taken, with a high of 70 and "abundant sunshine."   Okay, I keep promising I'll stop talking about the weather but......maybe not.  

Anyways, we took full advantage of the weather and swung our french doors open wide, went for a long walk to stare at pretty houses we'll never buy, and tried to train Fitz to heel - which is not going all that well.  The goal is that eventually we'll be able to hook his leash to the stroller and not worry about him pulling it straight over, but I have my doubts about that ever happening, he's fairly stubborn!  

Either way, I am hoping this weather never leaves, because shift dresses & wedges are my jam right now.  And yes, I know I should be wearing flats this far along, but sometimes nothing makes you feel less frumpy than being 7.5 months pregnant and a nice high wedge is a good compromise between making you feel better and keeping you comfortable.  
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