
our big announcement

It's possible I've never had a Thanksgiving with so much to be thankful for!  I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend with your loved ones - and I'm so glad you came back after my long hiatus to hear our big announcement.  

We're having a baby!  

Here are the big details: 
He or she is due on June 14th.  Darrell's birthday is December 23rd, which he has always hated, so our child's birthday being as FAR from Christmas as possible made him pretty happy. 

I am somewhere between 12 or 13 weeks along (pregnancy isn't an exact science, apparently).  

We are going to find out the gender of the baby, at our appointment on January 16th.  I am too excited to start buying baby clothes to wait until June!  

I have been the luckiest pregnant woman in the world: no morning sickness, and really no nothing other than being more tired than usual.  I'm going to chalk all that luck up to a consistent yoga practice and my vegetarian diet.  Also, I started taking prenatal vitamins right when we started trying, and apparently building up some of those nutrients in your body before you're even pregnant can help you better handle the hormones that cause morning sickness.  

It's not noticeable to everyone yet, but my belly started sticking out pretty quickly, and I have had some challenging few weeks as far as getting dressed.  For weeks 7-10, my regular jeans were really uncomfortable, but maternity jeans were still too big, so I had a three week period of wearing nothing but tights and flowy dresses.    

Just for fun, here is another gif of photos we took back when I was about 9 weeks.  It's kind of fun to see the tiny progression (although I'm totally aware that I may be the only one who can even tell a difference!)  

I'll be back to regular posting this week, and I promise it won't ALL be baby stuff.  
When you're trying to keep your blog feeling authentic and "you" and there's such a big secret, it's hard to keep the content going.  I didn't feel like it was all real until I could share our big news, so I'm so happy that I finally can!  


  1. Congrats, Mary! We'll have to commiserate over maternity clothes ;)

    1. Thank you! Haha yes, it is a pretty bleak situation if you aren't rolling in extra cash!


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