I'm sure the last week of no posting needs no explanation - i've been celebrating thanksgiving with my family....well, families. I count my boyfriend's family too : )
After a way-too-big meal, failing at 4 am Wal-Mart black friday shopping (but I made it too the gap for 50% off before 10am) , and finally getting all but one person on my list the PERFECT gift, we are finally decorating the family tree with our mismatched, children made ornaments and then heading off to St. Louis to celebrate a holiday well-done.
Although Thanksgiving is a "break" and a very welcome one from work, I think by tomorrow I'll be ready to return to my little house with Darrell and collapse on our couch .
Although I'm always sad about a holiday ending, there is one light to Thanksgiving being past us: I now consider it completely legitimate to blast Christmas music at all hours. My favorite!
plaid shirt, fur vest, and boots-f21, jeans-gap
"Maybe if they all could be combined - art, rock and fashion. Those were always my favorite things."-Stephen Sprouse