Was there ever a more alluring piece of outerwear than a cape? Sure, coats are lovely, but capes are so elegant. Coats make me think of nothing but cold, while capes inspire images of Russian spies a la Bond girls, their intentions hidden behind their dark hoods, a satchel hanging from a leather gloved hand.
My favorite affirmation from the day I wore it? An older (well...much older) co-worker of mine said as I passed by "I love a cape. I had a cape when I was a girl.." in a wistful, reminiscent way, as though she was picturing herself in the early 50s, probably in something quite similar to the one I had on. I had to suppress a giggle, but not a smile.
wearing: cape-asos, jeans-gap1969, boots-gojane, bag-chinese night market
"Maybe if they all could be combined - art, rock and fashion. Those were always my favorite things."-Stephen Sprouse
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