I know my boyfriend hates the time I've got him waking up, but it's hard to deny that there's any other time of day that better suits capturing a beautiful image. I may hate the darkness that begins at just 5 pm, but I don't hate the bright, glittery sunlight that comes in the window so much earlier that it did before. It certainly beats being woken up by a buzzing alarm clock.
Today we have one of those fantastic Sundays where there's really nothing we NEED to do. Sure I have laundry going, and we'll probably take the dogs on a walk later, but other than that it's likely that I'll fill my day with coffee, reading blogs, and catching up on my DVR.
wearing: flare jeans-gap1969, bird blouse-charlotterusse, felt floppy hat-forever21, clogs-poppybycoach, jewelry-forever21&limited, "daisy"dog-myown
"Maybe if they all could be combined - art, rock and fashion. Those were always my favorite things."-Stephen Sprouse
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