Happy Friday! Honestly, we are starting this weekend off not with a bang because we have gone out the past two nights!! Unheard of for us, but it was a busy week with one of our favorite bands in town, a friend's event last night and then we have the wedding of some close friends Saturday, plus a trip to the pumpkin patch and YEAH! Plenty of exciting stuff this week, and also some fun links I've collected for you so please enjoy and have a great weekend!
Our friend's wedding is tomorrow night, and to avoid a hangover I should apparently be eating these for breakfast?
Apparently the Republican candidates can't even name two historically important American women?
This Instagram had me completely in stitches the other day.
Crystal Rose did an amazing DIY floral canopy for her daughter's bedroom that I am just itching to try for Claire....and let's be real, possibly myself as well.
The best wine for every type of temper tantrum.
This poem about being a refugee completely broke my heart.
This map will help you plan your fall travels by letting you know where the leaves are at their best! (Oh, and sorry Floridians.)
This walk thru is kind of amazing for those of us who forget to take care of ourselves sometimes (coming from a mom who once let herself get "severely dehydrated" for absolutely no reason other than that I was too busy to drink water. Yeesh.)
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