Happy Friday! We have a weekend of not much at all planned out, maybe taking Claire to the children's museum and DEFINITELY to the park, a yoga class or two, and Darrell is brewing some beer! Basically perfection. It is finally cooling down today after a heat wave - it was 80 degrees yesterday, Claire stripped down to a diaper and got in at the splash pad a the park, how crazy is that?!
I'm looking forward to enjoying some cozy sweaters and hot coffee. I hope you have a lovely couple of days! Here are my favorite links from the past two weeks....
Every conversation between a parent and child ever. YUP.
Possibly the next time we're hard up for a babysitter?
This little girl's CVS themed birthday party is amazing. Kids are so awesome.
Why Millennials are leaving, leaving, leaving for new jobs.
Claire didn't care much for co-sleeping, but this amazing Ikea hack is any successful co-sleeper's dream!
Bored at work? Play with "The Nostalgia Machine" for a bit.
As the mother of a very girly girl who loves all things sparkly and pink, I appreciated this essay "defending princesses."
And last but not least, this cracked me up.