Can't get enough peonies - not that we need more flowers in this house, but I still couldn't help but pick some up when we bravely ventured out of the house to Trader Joe's on Thursday.
Constantly needed baby supplies - a sling for when she's inconsolably fussy and my nursing pillow.
Darrell is fairly unwilling to put her down at all - when I suggested starting tummy time, he asked if she could just do it on his chest. (Does that work?!)
My favorite view for nursing - I have a rocking chair in her nursery for privacy, but I prefer to sit on our bed next to the french doors, curtains just slightly open so I can feel the gorgeous summer breeze we've had all week.
A parenting concession - we had planned on her sleeping in her crib, but of course even with only a 700 square foot apartment she seemed too far away. We had our 4moms breeze set up with the bassinet halfway through the first night. We're potentially planning to have her moved to the crib by three weeks....but I'll keep you updated on how well that goes.
Darrell is a prolific napper, I really need to improve my skills.
I cannot seem to get enough fruit. The peaches are already gone and half of the nectarines. We let the dishes go a little bit longer than usual (but we're a tad OCD, so they did get done eventually) and the coffee pot started to get a workout again after a long caffeine-free pregnancy. I can't decide why I enjoyed the coffee more - the pleasure of being able to have it, or because it kept me buoyant throughout the day after a long night of baby-feeding.

This is our fancy Pottery Barn crib, currently being used as a changing table. Our friend Emily painted the sweet "C" art. I have lofty goals to hang it tomorrow morning (my first day home alone with Claire.)
Our little table of baby "necessities," currently overrun with flowers. We haven't touched a single one of these items - as it turns out people were right. Babies don't need much beyond a boob, lots of love, and a place to sleep.
If I'm feeling extra nice, I'll take Claire into her nursery to feed her in the rocking chair at night rather than doing it in bed next to Darrell. I keep this light on near the door so that I don't go toppling over in a tired stupor with our infant in my arms. Also, MORE FLOWERS.
Saturday morning we went for a walk (only a few blocks away) to a fancy neighborhood's street-wide yard sale. We came home with nothing, but got a lot of "is that a baby in there!?" from folks wondering about the sling! I don't think baby-wearing is a big practice in St. Louis. We have yet to pull out our stroller, and I can't imagine why we would - the sling is easily Claire's favorite place, besides napping on her Daddy's chest.
Saturday afternoon, a group of my girlfriends came over to see Claire and it was easily a highlight of my weekend - I could've listened to them gush over her for hours!
I had to end on this photo of Darrell and Claire napping this morning. The World Cup started on Thursday, and these two have been peas in a pod watching soccer and sleeping. It honestly (surprising!) makes me hope she loves sports as much as her daddy so that they can continue this forever. I think it would be hard to decide what the best aspect of our "new" family has been so far - bonding with Claire as mother and daughter or watching Darrell instantly become her dad. I had heard stories about men not feeling as instantly connected to their children as their wives did, but I can truly say that sometimes I see it already; she will be her daddy's girl. This morning while we were getting her ready for brunch, Darrell said that he had never changed a diaper before she was born, and I can honestly say that I had no idea, 6 days into her life. His confidence in his ability to care for her and do right by her has amazed me since she arrived, and he's been my rock when I was feeling scared. I was nervous about Monday being my first day alone with Claire when he goes back to work, until he looked at me when I voiced my concerns and just said "babe, you're going to kill it. You really are" and I just knew that if he thought I could, I would.
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