Restaurant booths. It's kind of amazing that I haven't yet flipped over an entire table with the bump - although I have come close.
My no-caffeine sentencing. Pregnant women are allowed to have up to 200mg (about 1.5 cups of coffee) per day, but apparently baby girl is sensitive to any amount at all. At my last appointment I was instructed to cut it out completely after a few hours of panic-inducing heart testing, and she's totally fine. It was all the tiny bit of caffeine in my morning iced coffee, so goodbye to that. Cue my tears.
Yelling at Darrell for no reason after said panic-inducing doctor's appointment, only to realize that I was just mad at myself for not calling him and asking him to come sit with me during all the scary testing. Darrell has become quite the master at dealing with my meltdowns (which I realize are ridiculous approximately 30 minutes after they end). Also, pregnancy is an exercise in learning how to ask for help and go easy on yourself - seriously a challenge for someone as generally type A as me.
Getting dressed! I'll admit it - at this point, it would literally just be easier to be naked all the time, but that doesn't really work well for, um, life.
The amount of time I'm willing to put off washing the pillowcase to my pregnancy pillow. I know that sounds just plain gross, but seriously look at this thing! Getting the case back on involves 30 minutes of awkward fighting with it.
My cravings for any and allllllll the summery food. I would like corn on the cob, watermelon, and tomato-mayo sandwiches like RIGHT NOW please. The problem is that when I try to eat it despite that fact that we are just not quittttttte there yet, seasonally and all, I feel a little guilty feeding Darrell the rather sad frozen corn & very "meh" tomato chopped salad I made for lunch. Patience is not one of my virtues.
Easter Sunday! We had such a great day, and the most perfect weather. Darrell has a ton of younger cousins, so they have a pretty epic and adorable egg hunt. Also funny? How little they cared about the chocolate, and how much they all wanted to just find the eggs with dollar bills. Somebody taught those kids that money = more & better chocolate.
I'm getting a 4D ultrasound today - not something I was sure I would ever do, but it was set up for us by Darrell's mom and I have to admit I'm a little excited about it. I'm skeptical of how much those images actually show what a baby will look like, but it'll be fun to see them nevertheless!
Avocado toast + poached eggs. I finally seem to have regained an interest in healthy food (yay for that, I was sure baby girl was mostly constructed of Lucky Charms up until now) and this is at the top of my list. The bonus is that it makes a great breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
It is warm enough for shorts! Remember that thing I said about clothes just being awful in general? Well shorts are tolerable, so it's probably all I'm going to wear for the next 8 weeks, pregnancy thighs be damned.
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