wearing: dress - maurices, not maternity and realllllly old. sandals - jack rogers. necklace - jcrew.
Baby girl has figured out how to wedge herself up into my ribs. I'm stopped in my tracks multiple times a day just to "readjust" myself in a way that doesn't cause serious pain somewhere in my midsection.
I could wax poetic about how much I love having a step-and-open trash can (yes, these are the things that excite me now) but this morning my lack of coordination got the best of me with it. I hit the foot opener, went to toss the leftover coffee grinds in the bin, and let go jusssssst early enough to have the lid catapult coffee grounds ALL over the kitchen floor. Thankfully, there were no witnesses to the temper tantrum I threw.
This week's adventures in "baby brain" led to me pouring my cereal directly into the cup of coffee I had just gotten to the perfect cream/stevia ratio.
Pregnancy crying has officially begun. Had a good (happy!) session while driving home from work last Wednesday just because a country song reminded me of Darrell....because that's normal.
Our FULLY FINISHED nursery! Of course there are two or three things still to be done, but it's essentially complete and I'm so thrilled with it.
A bookshelf absolutely stacked with what I'm sure is every children's book currently available for purchase. At my shower last week, guests were asked to bring books with notes for the baby instead of cards (so sweet!) and people were so generous with the books. Many brought 2 or 3 along with their gift, and I nearly filled a tall bookshelf with everything from "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" to "The Giving Tree." Reading is one of my few really young memories, and I'm so excited to read these books to Claire.
We chose and assembled a stroller/carseat combo! Doesn't that sound like just the most adult thing one could possibly do? I kind of agonized over the purchase, but after finding the Britax B-Agile & B-Safe on Target for an amazing price, we bit the bullet. For the record, we would have chosen this one if money was no object, but we are just not $700 stroller people. Although honestly, if those people exist, they are ridiculous.
Eating a little bit healthier....I'll admit that I went through a phase for a couple weeks where I was soooo tired, so the easiest things to eat were things that required no work (i.e. mac and cheese, cereal, etc.) This, of course, contributed to my being even MORE tired. So I decided to get it together and start making more smoothies, less bowls of Lucky Charms, and lo and behold I am actually able to stay awake all day again.
Darrell heralded his arrival home last Friday with "Burning Down the House" blasting from his windows, and then once the car turned off he finished it off whistling a few more rounds of the chorus. I love how his cheerfulness just radiates sometimes (but especially on Fridays.)
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