Happy Valentine's Day!
Whoever you're celebrating with today, I hope you enjoy the day as a celebration of love in all its forms. I've personally never been that big of a fan of the holiday (too much pressure!) but since these are our last few months as just us two, we decided to make a bigger deal out of it than our usual dinner & movie at home and make dinner reservations at our favorite Italian restaurant. Yes we will probably sing the Billy Joel song in the car the entire way there. Other than that we aren't doing anything at all this weekend, which sounds perfect. If your plan is to hang out and eat Valentine's Day candy all weekend long, well then you and I have a lot in common.
I adored this essay about motherhood, and how "babies ruin bodies."
A hilarious and sweet letter from one friend to another, to help out when the latter had amnesia.
This language game is so addictive and fun.
Ten things that will make you happier, actually backed up by science.
If your plans are to stay in and cook a romantic dinner Friday, we made this last week and it was delicious!
I'm totally guilty of the two spaces after a period faux pas.
Trattoria Marcella is totally the best Italian in St. Louis, with some recent competition from Pasteria - beats anything on the Hill!