Easily my new favorite picture of Claire! Ever! She's so funny, and we had so much fun with her on this gorgeous summer weekend. However, we have had a crazy crazy summer with just not enough time to just us, so on Friday night I practically begged Darrell for a date night and he made it happen! My sainted brother in law came over to hang out on our couch after we put Claire down for the night and we got to have an old fashioned dinner and a movie date. The verdict on "Trainwreck" is that we thought it was hilarious but my parents hated it so......might not be for everyone?
Date night outfit for posterity and also this seems to be the thing to do on a blog.
Links for my outfit -
We didn't stay out TOO late, and Claire slept in until 8 so we had all kinds of energy to hit up the farmer's market and splash pad on Saturday morning. I'm not sure that I can adequately describe how magical Tower Grove Farmer's market is for children. Bubbles are obviously not easy to photograph but when we walked up there was a band playing, the fountain was covered in children splashing, and some genius had a huge bubble gun going. It took Claire all of a minute to demand entry to the splash pad. Also her saltwater sandals finally fit which basically makes my life, because more matching, all the time!
We ended the day with pool and porch hangs, pretty much maxing out summer for all that it's worth.
This weekend she started dancing, which is my favorite new milestone of alllll the milestones.
I also might like Sophia the First more than Claire does - it's catchy, okay? Now get yourself some coffee and go have a great Monday!
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