
a few 4th of July photos

 Happy Monday!! Except not at all.  Can I go back to Thursday?  I would like to do this weekend all over again!  We headed to the lake middle of last week and while the forecast originally threatened rain all weekend, each day the sun came out anyways!  

Claire made herself right at home immediately, marching around with "baby" and Elmo, her two #1 companions lately.  

During the week, there had been so much rain that the lake levels rose dangerously high, and although it sounds like a bummer it really worked out in our favor.  Friday the entire lake was declared a no wake zone, and that enabled us to take the boat out with Claire at an idle speed!  She could walk around as we cruised and even drove a little, as you can see.  

Darrell's brother Darrin and girlfriend Bridget, and our close friend (and neighbor!) Barrett came with us for the weekend, and we spent Saturday baby-less at the "Rehydrate" pool party at a lake bar.  Some may say we had TOO much fun, hah.    Excuse the port-o-potty photo bomb.  It was a classy joint, let me tell you.  People watching bonanza!!

Then we went back to the condo and got dress in our 4th of July finest for fireworks!  That darn bird statue was pretty determined to photo bomb us. 

 We hope you had as great of a weekend as we did, and Happy Independence Day! 

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