This week, I officially hit my pre-baby weight. Do I look the same as I did at this weight before having Claire? Nope, I absolutely don't. But I can still do this:
and I can still run for miles
3 miles, on this night, to be exact but I'm running 6 this weekend and plan to be up to 9 in December.
It feels good to be back in fighting shape but if I'm being totally honest, I'm not quite done. It's going to take more than just weight loss, because things just aren't the same as they once were. Still, hitting my pre baby weight and fitting into my 6s again is worth celebrating, so I decided to do just that. With a little yoga thrown in for good measure.
Yoga Buzz STL is an awesome organization started by Elle Potter, a local teacher whose praises I have sung here before when I reviewed a collection of St. Louis studios. Yoga Buzz has a pretty simple mission - bring yoga to the masses, whether it's through beer, wine, or even a trip to Italy.
A non-profit organization, their classes at local breweries & wineries raise funds to send experienced instructors to areas that are underserved in physical education and especially access to yoga. Knowing what a difference it has made in my life, that's a mission I can get behind.
Elle likes to describe yoga as adult recess, and I wholeheartedly agree. One of my favorite aspects of yoga is having the chance to try to fly, and maybe fall, but TRY because my mat is a safe place to experiment. I can't count how many times I fell on my butt attempting crow pose before I got it, but when I did it was like the joy any kid feels when they complete the entire row of monkey bars for the first time. Adult recess, for sure - especially with a pint of Budweiser beer when class is dismissed : )
You can check out upcoming Yoga Buzz events here. Stay tuned for further post-baby body updates - I may have hit my previous weight, but I'm not done just yet, there are so many more miles to run.
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