Get ready to be super proud of me as a blogger guys; guess how many photos I have of the outfits I wore to the two fashion shows #stlfw hosted this week. Ready for it?
ZERO. Claire decided this week would not be my week (oh no, no it would not) and on night one she essentially screamed unless I was holding her, until she screamed unless Darrell was holding her, until I left without any pictures to speak of that documented my outfit. In retrospect, it was just a black mini, with black tights and a leather jacket so nothing groundbreaking. We'll all live.....hopefully.
Instead of nicely edited outfit shots, here are some pictures of me with no makeup on getting my hair done @ Breeze Blow Dry bar - aka my new favorite place in St. Louis, where someone does your hair while you have both your hands free to hold the baby that will only nap in your arms.
I am pretty sure my stylist thought I was insane, but actually the dryer noise was totally soothing to Claire and she napped the ENTIRE TIME. Praise the hair gods, because that much volume doesn't happen in my normal routine of air dry/curling iron/shake it out.
Moving on to night #2 of fashion week, it just gets better. I successfully ran out the door in time for the show, and my sweet friend had just handed me a glass of champagne when my phone buzzed. The husband informs me that he thinks Claire has a fever. Not bad.....but boobs are needed. So about 30 minutes after arriving, I ran back out to the car that was waiting with Darrell and our screaming infant and went home. I am choosing not to even be mad about this though, because she still went to bed at a decent hour and seemed 1000x better the next day (I'm blaming teething?)
(Want to see photos from the runway? Definitely head over to Alive Magazine for all the fashion coverage.)
My favorite event of St Louis Fashion Week has historically been the blogger tour of the city. Riding around in a silly Fun Tyme limo with bloggers + champagne all day? There are worse ways to spend a Friday. Besides just being a fun day of activities, eating, and shopping it's always amazing to connect with women from all over the country with similar interests. We all ended the day discussing how grateful we were for the chance to meet one another and form a little community. St. Louis Fashion Week forever!
Definitely head over to the STLFW website to check out some of this year's guest bloggers.
Some new favorites? Lara's blog Pretty Connected, The Wanderlust Girls Abigail & Emily, Alexa's A Life in the Fashion Lane, and Tamera's Plan T Style. I kept up with Megan's reliably awesome blog TF Diaries since meeting her last year - anyone who loves tights & leather jackets that much is a girl after my own heart.
The next night, I tried my best to get a real outfit shot before the blogger dinner at Hiro Asian Kitchen...
and nope.
Oh hey, Instagram saves the day! Thanks Clr - Mnstr - for the pic, and the awesome cocktails.
I DID get pictures of Claire's outfits this weekend. They're better anyways.
She's killing it. If I'd spent half the time on my outfit photos this week as I did on hers, maybe.....well actually I don't know where I'm going with this. I know you all come here for the baby pics, so perhaps it's better that Claire stays the star of this blog.
But just in case you're here for more of my all black ensembles, how about I take us out with a mirror selfie from the final night's cocktail hour? Over and out #stlfw, until next year!
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