
maternity style 19/the last 6 weeks

The last few weeks of pregnancy call for a reevaluation of your wardrobe.  Those pants you bought at 14 weeks?  Yeah, they don't work anymore.  Actually, no pants really work anymore, except the shorts with the HUGE belly panel, that nooooo I did not buy in my pre-pregnancy size, per the website's suggestion, because that would just be silly.  

I have a good feeling about saying hello to those 14 week jeans again postpartum though, so they're staying in the closet for now.  

I've decided that dressing for pregnancy falls into two categories: Weeks 12-32, and then everything after that.  Also, there is the unfortunate period between weeks 28-30 where instead of feeling cute and still somewhat small, and not yet like the bump is the focal point, you just feel really really fat.  About that period of time I can only say: wear yoga pants and just give in.  Things will even out soon enough.  It was like my body was saving fat to move it all to the bump in a few weeks.  

Once you're past the "I feel fat" phrase and into the "I feel REALLY PREGNANT" phase, you can either hole up at home to wait it out (not recommended, and also a waste of your last few weeks just you and your partner!) or take my advice for keeping it together and dare I say, feeling pretty and even sexy for the last 8 weeks!  Without further adieu, my top 5 tips.  

1.  Get thee some false eyelashes!  

Okay, so there is a pretty obvious difference between the two photos.  The false eyelashes highlight your eyes, subtracting from  anyone's ability to immediately focus on the slightly puffy "pregnant face" (it's a thing and you know it).  Although my case is relatively mild that may change over the next 6 weeks.  Falsies are not just for weekends now - they make me feel better about myself pretty much every day!  

2.  Quit wearing anything oversized - it's not helping.  

I largely blame Hatch collection for this trend.  This is a Hatch "maternity" dress.  

Does that model look pregnant to you?  Um, no, she just looks like a 6 foot tall model.  Put that on a pregnant me (allllllll 5'4 of me!) and I will just like like I'm fat & wearing a striped sack.  

That's better.  Shows off the bump, looks adorable with her slouchy army jacket & flat sandals, and accentuates all the good stuff!  

3.  Which leads me to my next point, stripes.  

There is literally nothing cuter on a pregnant belly than stripes.  Of course, this is just my opinion, but hear me out: once you're 32 weeks, it doesn't matter how thin you are.  There is no hiding that you are way pregnant.  Stripes highlight and accentuate the bump.  They're classic & match everything, making them easy to wear for tons of occasions and with whichever jackets/pants you have left that still fit and are comfortable.  Let me reiterate though - fitted stripes.  

4.  As for shoes.....

Flats are great - I am in no way saying abandon your flats.  But if we're being honest, they can kind of enhance the waddle effect.  A reasonable wedge or heeled bootie (we're talking 2-4 inches here) can be the perfect antidote to feeling a little frumpy.  Your legs probably look pretty teeny in comparison to that bump, and a little heel puts them to their best advantage.  

5.  And the most important advice....

Remember that you look gorgeous, no matter what kind of makeup you have on, what dress you're wearing, or how big you feel.  There are few things in the world that make a woman look more beautiful than being pregnant, and even though it may not come across in photos or in the mirror, it's 100% true.  Even when you aren't feeling that way, try to remember the last time you saw a very pregnant woman out and about and considered her with anything but admiration.  In a unique way, you look the most beautiful in others' eyes than you ever have, and if you can remember that, try to see and feel it yourself.  

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