
the weekender

On Saturday morning I woke up at 7 am to the most glorious weather that ever was.  The leaves were SPARKLING I tell you.  I did my usual routine of showering, taking out the dogs, and eating some fruit (and okay, a cookie) for breakfast and popped on You’ve Got Mail, because Darrell was still sleeping and I had the rental for a few more hours.  I can pretty much watch that movie into oblivion.  I was on a mission to let Darrell sleep in because he’d gone to a concert with his brother the previous night, so he was out pretty late, but around 8:30 the morning it was starting to feel a little bit too much like a weekday.  Luckily at EXACTLY the moment I had planned to start poking him he got up and asked what we were going to do.  

So I said, “you’re going to make us eggs, and then we’re going to go to get you some new guitar strings.”  And since no guitar-playing man can argue with that he did make some eggs, and I failed to tell him that I’d already eaten some strawberries and two chocolate chip cookies.  

Then, off we went.  We found the most gorgeous guitar shop and wandered the Maplewood neighborhood for a bit, I bribed a shop owner into letting me use the bathroom without buying anything, and then we headed back home to take Fitz to the park.  We were attempting to see a "Shakespeare in the streets" performance I had heard about (I am a serious nerd for Shakespeare) but we missed it, so Darrell took about a million photos of all the gorgeous spring flowers instead.  

One of the rare photos my husband will let me take of him.  Those Chuck Taylors are my favorite.  

This house is basically my dream house.  It's inside the park, and someone lives there because there's a big PRIVATE RESIDENCE sign on the front gate.  I'm fairly sure it's owned by the Shaw family (who founded the park and entire surrounding neighborhood) and they probably inserted some clause when the park was built saying they could never be forced to give up this house - that's my best guess, I really have no idea.  They also have a gigantic mansion inside the Missouri Botanical Gardens, but I think this one's even prettier.  

After all that walking, I needed some reallllly good food & a root beer of course, so we headed to Blues City Deli to see a great band and eat some awesome sandwiches.  If you live in St. Louis and have never seen Mrs. Jubilee & the Humdingers, please check them out!  And get the tuna - I know, sounds like a weird recommendation, but it's the best tuna sandwich ever.  We capped off the day with tacos at Gringo, which I rallied for despite being pretty exhausted because a) I cannot resist eating on a pretty patio in the Central West End, and b) actually cooking would’ve involved cleaning the kitchen first.  For some reason we had so much to talk about we pretty much shut the restaurant down (warm weather and margaritas - Mexican soda for me - will sometimes just keep good conversation going as long as you let it, I find.)  It was pretty much the most perfect Saturday of all time.  

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for (ugh) Monday.  

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