I love a bargain as much as the next person, but good boots are one of those areas where I tend to go the route of quality. My Frye boots get more wear than any other pair I own, I love my Hunter wellies above all else, and no shoe besides Uggs (yes the "ugly" fuzzy Uggs) will really make me happy when there's been snow. Lately, I've really been considering investing in a pair of Swedish Hasbeen boots. These basic shoes with wooden soles bring a comfy charm to any outfit, and I just think of them as the ultimate "cool and casual" shoe.
I once bought a pair of Swedish clogs from a knockoff retailer I found through Pinterest, and although they'll remain unnamed, just know that the quality certainly left something to be desired. Especially when I compared them with the Hasbeens I picked up a few weeks later.
So since I've deemed them worth it, I've been gathering some favorites - and watching for sales.
Here are my two favorite pairs:
*ps - i wasn't compensated for this post by swedish hasbeens, I just love their brand
photo credit to a beautiful mess, editing by me
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