
a little apartment update

Before (ick)


 Today I finally got rid of my eyesore of a rug.  (I am only linking to it so you know what NOT to buy - it collected dirt and pilled like no other!) The picture above is the only one I have of it, and it was taken shortly after I rolled it out, and obviously lots of other changes have been made, as well.  Last few steps: paint the crown moulding white, paint the coffee table red!  

I was cleaning out my closet this weekend, and found quite a pile of old Lululemon clothes I had barely worn.  As it turns out, apparently they were pretty popular styles Lulu discontinued, and I made a decent enough amount of money on selling them to buy a new rug!  Two tanks are still listed, if you're interested, HERE.  

I found the rug at Target for just $80.  So far, we LOVE it.  You can get it HERE.  I saw the blue in person, and it's gorgeous as well.  

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