If you read this blog much, it may not shock you to hear that I am not the MOST organized person on the planet. So when I tell you I completely forgot Missoni for Target came out TODAY and that I live 5 minutes from a Target but somehow didn't make it there until 7 pm, you shouldn't be surprised. Before I went, I checked the website - crashed. Drove to the store and EVERYTHING was gone. The perfect blanket throw, gone. The patterned tights, no more. Seriously. I'm pretty sure the only items left were a toddler bikini bottom and a candle. I almost saw hope in the above shoes (truly the #1 thing I wanted, I could see their subtle perfection with every single one of my outfits this fall) hanging out on an endcap, but obviously not in my size. (Though you're delusional if you think I didn't try to squeeze into them anyway.) So when I got home, I flipped open my computer to browse the collection, disappointed, and saw that my target.com browser had magically refreshed....and when I clicked to the "Missoni Women's Accessories & Shoes" section there was one shoe not sold out. My shoe. In my size. Now that's fate.
"Maybe if they all could be combined - art, rock and fashion. Those were always my favorite things."-Stephen Sprouse
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