Today has been one of those days where I woke up with a plan that quickly disintegrated into nonexistence. In the BEST of ways.
I was supposed to go home to work, so I woke up at 6am to go home only to notice that my commute was canceled sometime during the night. So I drank the coffee I had set to auto brew and got productive a bit earlier than normal. I was so awake by 8 am that I decided to try something new with my hair, and this over the head french braid was way easier than I thought! Sometime around noon I received a call from a friend asking if I wanted to join an afternoon excursion to a nearby town, so at 2 pm I found myself riding to Champaign for a small errand but really nothing much at all. In retrospect none of that sounds very exciting, but all day I was just glad to be out of my normal routine. Sometimes all it takes to brighten things is a little bit of something out of the ordinary.
Also good for the soul: getting crafty. I love these bracelets, which I have been making like crazy. All you need is some twine, some hex bolts (best color selection and price at Ace Hardware) and a little manual dexterity. I found my tutorial HERE.
wearing: denim shirt-madewell, black jeggings-nordstrom b.p., heels-shoedazzle, ring-lowluv erinwasson, bracelets-selfmade
"Maybe if they all could be combined - art, rock and fashion. Those were always my favorite things."-Stephen Sprouse
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