This weekend was possibly one of the best I've had in months. Three days of fun and family that were seriously needed. The rundown of good things I was blessed with are pretty long, but I'll highlight the big ones.
1) The best shopping trip ever! I don't see my family a whole lot anymore, so a whole day of shopping with my mom was such a treat, and it seemed like all the good deals and cutest shoes were just coming our way. I took home so many great finds (and so did my Mom...too bad we don't live close so we can't share).
I can't wait to wear them all!
2) The Kindle Darrell bought me for my birthday finally came! Sounds small, I know, but whenever I managed to download 5 books for $15, I was pretty thrilled.
3) I got some really fantastic work-life news.
4) We got another puppy! I already have my little maltese-poodle mix Gatsby, and ever since we had to separate him and my former roommate's dog I've felt like he needed a playmate. (Plus, Darrell has sort of been wanting a more manly breed of canine.) Enter Daisy - The Great Gatsby's love interest in the book - a beagle basset hound mix that completely stole our hearts.
I'm also loving being able to mix in some transitional clothing.
wearing : military jacket-target, dress-forever21, platforms-jessica simpson
"Maybe if they all could be combined - art, rock and fashion. Those were always my favorite things."-Stephen Sprouse
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