
what made me smile this week

This necklace - because I found it on eBay for only $12 - less than 10% of what it's inspiration costs at J.Crew

This plant - because it's still alive 10 days in!!  Please ignore that single suicidal leaf there...

Fireworks - and pretty much the best 4th of July ever.  You can tell it was, because we pretty much look like hell in this picture, but still SO happy.  That is what your fishtail braid looks like when it goes from "casually rumpled" to just plain old messed up.  

This candle, because it smells SOOO GOOD. This plus A/C blasting plus this makes my house feel cozy when all it's been feeling in St. Louis for the past few weeks is HOT & oh-so-sticky.  I'm actually excited for it to cool down to 90 degrees.  And since when is 90 degrees COOL?  

This iced coffee, cause it was $2.  It's $4.50 at my usual spot, so this discovery is a definite win in my book, and totally worth the extra 2 block walk.  


testing my green thumb

Picked up three of these little gems at Trader Joe's this weekend: this one, an aloe plant, and a bit larger one with pretty shaped leaves.  Our house needed some green-ing up since we don't have any outdoor space of our own!  

They say succulent plants are hard to kill, but I'm sure I'm going to test that theory.  


what made me smile this week

these outfits - because i haven't bought new clothes in forever, and with the sweltering weather this week these light and fluttery dresses were the perfect thing to wear.

this little pile of clothes - because the only thing that was going to get me out in the heat was a pre-planned running outfit

this love note which reads "Dearest Kate, that night in Atlanta will live long in my memory..." 
it was found on the back of a 'Gone with the Wind' poster, which we got on a 'free' table at a rummage sale a few weeks ago.
i discovered the note when i took it out to put it in a nicer frame I had bought.

this library, because i can get any book i want to read all summer, for free, right here.
now i'm into a pretty trashy beach read, but 'Anna Karenina' is next on the list.

the walkmen playing at an amazing venue we just discovered, which is basically a cross between a bar and a museum.  plus the band was awesome.

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