I ventured outside to take some pictures of my outfit today since today will apparently be the last day I'll ever get to GO OUTSIDE. It would seem that everyone in the northern midwest is preparing for the apocalypse that is this disastrous ice storm we're supposed to get in a few hours. Seriously, Darrell's teachers canceled class in anticipation of it. NOTHING HAS HAPPENED YET PEOPLE. Good thing I work from home, because as I was writing this it started to sleet and they predict no stopping for 48 hours. I'm all stocked up on candles, food, & hot chocolate, and pretty much anything else you need to be snowed in. Bonus: our new record player arrives today and we have a plethora of albums we haven't even listened to yet!
I just hope the power doesn't go out...
wearing: cape-asos, jeans-gap1969, boots-stevemadden, beanie-f21
"Maybe if they all could be combined - art, rock and fashion. Those were always my favorite things."-Stephen Sprouse